Our team is composed of experienced lawyers, immigration consultants and partners to better meet your needs.
Rim Berrada
Rim Berrada est une avocate ayant une expérience considérable dans le domaine du droit de l'immigration et des réfugiés. Avant d'ouvrir son propre cabinet, Me Berrada a travaillé dans un cabinet en droit de l'immigration et de la famille au centre-ville de Montréal, où elle a aidé des clients à remplir diverses demandes d'immigration, telles que des demandes pour motifs humanitaires, des demandes de statut de réfugié et des demandes de résidence permanente. Elle a également défendu des clients devant la Cour supérieure du Québec dans des procédures de divorce.
Having come to Canada as an immigrant herself at a young age, Ms. Berrada has first-hand experience navigating the complex immigration system, and takes great pride in helping her clients to the best of her ability. As a result, Ms. Berrada has a high success rate in approving immigration applications. Ms. Berrada has successfully represented numerous clients before the Immigration and Refugee Board and has worked on judicial review applications before the Federal Court of Canada. She now represents students, workers, business owners and families in their various Canadian immigration applications. Ms. Berrada offers her services in several languages including French, English, Spanish and Arabic.
Master's degree in international law from the University of Montreal
Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Montreal
Bachelor of Commerce from Concordia University in Montreal
Member of the Quebec Bar
Member of the Quebec Association of Immigration Lawyers (AQAADI)
Member of the Canadian Immigration Lawyers Association (CILA)
Annie Beaudoin
A former immigration officer for 15 years with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and now a regulated immigration consultant, Annie Beaudoin now puts her immigration knowledge and skills to work for her clients. She teaches immigration law at the University of Montreal and Queen's University.
- Speaker and member of the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC)
- Speaker at Immigration Education Alliance (IMEDA)
and Imm Seminars
- Certified Immigration Consultant in the Province of Saskatchewan - Licence #000827
- Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant - RCIC #R533869
MSN Recruitment
MSN-Recrutement international is a company specialized in international recruitment that relies on a proven and rigorous approach to selecting foreign workers.